Jim's Plumbing Chermside: Rhys Davis, ABN 27438215929

Owner/client: You as the customer responsible for initiating the job

All  quotations are valid for 30 days and are subject to the following conditions. Acceptance of  quotation also involves acceptance of these conditions.


All quotations are NETT prices for cash payment. A refundable deposit of up to 50% of the contract price may be required on acceptance of this quotation or where specialised sub-contracted labour or material is necessary. The owner accepts responsibility for the payment once instruction has been given by the owner or his agent to Jim’s Plumbing Chermside or its agent/s either by phone, fax, e-mail or in person to proceed with the work whether the original quotation has been signed or not. Where Jim’s Plumbing Chermside or its agent/s orders special items to fulfill this contract and the customer cancels the contract the customer remains liable for the retail price of the goods over and above the deposit held if any. On payment of the balance, materials will be handed over to the customer on completion of work and receipt of invoices. Failure re to comply with payment terms will void warranty and will incur a 10% surcharge. All materials remain the property of Jim’s Plumbing Chermside until final payment has been made.

(a) Jim’s Plumbing Chermside must be paid on completion of the work or when costs have incurred.

(b) Failure to make final payment under this contract on time will incur a late payment fee of 25% of contract price.


The owner shall supply adequate access to water, electricity, toilet and washing facilities at all times during construction. In the event that electricity and water are not supplied any extra cost incurred including generator hire, cartage, loss of time or additional labour shall be charged to the owners.

3. SITE&

a) This quotation for plumbing work is, unless otherwise shown herein, based on construction on clear unobstructed areas.

b) Unless otherwise provided in this quotation, the owners shall clear all obstructions and provide a clear working area and access. If the owner fails to remove obstructions then costs to remove, including equipment and labour costs at our normal hourly rate, shall be payable by the owners.

c) The owners shall be responsible for locating and notifying Jim’s Plumbing Chermside in writing prior to construction of the position of all underground obstructions including electrical and telephone cables, gas, water, storm water and sewerage pipes and any other service facility which is or may be affected by the construction and shall indemnify Jim’s Plumbing Chermside and its agents against any claims or demands made by any person or authority in respect of any damage.

d) The owners shall remove or protect any plants, ornaments, pipes, furniture and pets/ animals etc. which may be damaged as well as all rubbish. Jim’s Plumbing Chermside shall exercise all care but accept no responsibility. Any costs incurred in the removal of furniture, appliances, rubbish including additional labour shall be payable by the owners.


Unless otherwise provided for in the quotation the owners shall obtain any necessary permits and supply a copy of the permit and conditions on acceptance of the quotation to Jim’s Plumbing Chermside. If meeting the conditions incurs any extra costs these will be charged to the owners.


You as the owner/client may make no claims against us in respect of faulty materials or workmanship unless you have first:

(a) Notified us in writing of each such alleged defect in material ls or workmanship;

(b) Provided an opportunity for us or our representative to inspect each and every such alleged defect;

(c) Given written notice of all works which you claim to be necessary to rectify the work.

To the extent required by the Home Building Act, Jim’s Plumbing Chermside warrants that:

(a) The works will be performed in a proper and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the description of works or plans attached to this contract;

(b) All materials supplied by Jim’s Plumbing Chermside will be good and suitable for the purpose for which they are used and unless otherwise stated, those materials will be new;

(c) The works will be done in accordance with the Home Building Act or any other applicable law;

(d) The works will be done with due diligence and within a reasonable time.

The parties hereby agree in the event of any dispute arising between them in performance of this agreement they shall not proceed in court or law but shall proceed by way of arbitration and shall be bound by the decision of the arbitrator.


Jim’s Plumbing Chermside shall be responsible for cleaning up the work area and removal of all debris including of cuts, cement bags and packaging left by Jim’s Plumbing Chermside only but shall not be responsible for the disposal of any rubbish. Jim’s Plumbing Chermside will not be responsible for the cleaning up where other contractors worked. Should skip bins be required the cost for rental thereof shall be for the clients’ account.


If any materials for the works as quoted are supplied by the customer then the following obligations will apply to the customer:

a) The customer assumes full responsibility and liability for ordering the correct materials and must ensure they arrive on time;

b) At time lost to Jim’s Plumbing Chermside due to incorrect ordering, faulty materials or late arrival will be charged at our normal hourly rate;

c) Jim’s Plumbing Chermside makes no warranty on materials ordered or supplied by the customer.


If a variation is requested then Jim’s Plumbing Chermside will provide a written quote detailing the works required. Not until the signed quote is returned to Jim’s Plumbing will the works commence.


Additional to any statutory requirements all works performed under this contract is guaranteed by Jim’s Plumbing Chermside for a period of 90 days against defects in quality of workmanship. Claims must be lodged in writing within 7 days of first appearing to Jim’s Plumbing Chermside in the first instance. Jim’s Plumbing Chermside reserves the right to repair and make good any materials and labour required to fulfill this guarantee